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Old 28-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Mike Lyle
Posts: n/a

June Hughes wrote:
In message , Franz Heymann

"June Hughes" wrote in message


What benefit, if any, is there to houseplants by using
de-mineralised water?

Almost none, except if you have lime-hating plants.


It just gets better and better. Many thanks, Franz.

Water does funny things to people's brains, though. A while back one
of the Cheltenham papers carried an article by a "nutritionist"
solemnly revealing that a certain kind of water was easier to
_digest_ than the competition. I was much tickled by the idea of
water being broken down into its constituents in somebody's gut, and
spent some time working out how I might trigger an explosive
recombination of hydrogen and oxygen in somebody's body. Like the
Thai fire-eater who most unfortunately ended his earthly career by
getting hiccups a year or two ago.

Today's Guardian's Bad Science column has a less catastrophic one.
Apparently there's Penta water, which is "ultra-purified,
restructured micro-water": "By disrupting the naturally occurring
molecule clusters in water with high-energy sound waves, they are
able to pass more easily through the body's cell membranes, quenching
the thirst better." This is known as "optimal cellular hydration".

Good to know somebody's cracked the age-old problem of over-sized
clusters of water molecules, isn't it?
