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Old 25-01-2005, 12:24 AM
Peter Stockdale
Posts: n/a

"PhilBoy" wrote in message
The fence at the top of my back garden, owned by my neighbour, is
broken and falling down, basically it's a wreck. Cats get through and
attack the birds in my garden. It is also in my opinion a security
risk from burglars. My neighbour wont fix it

I would like to plant an extremely nasty, anti cat, and anti burglar,
hedge. I would like something that grows relatively quickly and that I
would be able to prune with powerful electric hedge trimmers. 5 ft.
tall would be my target height. I plan long-term to remove my
leylandii when the hedge is formed.

Any ideas? Pyracanthea, Rosa rugosa, or berberis. A bonus would be to
have butterflies and birds attracted to my hedge.
Phil of Whittlesey Peterborough England

No hedge of whatever species will ever be catproof.
You need your fence on your land, electrified if necessary to sort out the
pussy cats and additional barbed wire to deter humans.
You can then plant the wildlife friendly hedge on your side of it to attract
flutterbies, birds etc.