"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message
The message m
from VX contains these words:
If you can't bend, you'd do better to use some
kind of contact weed-wand.
Ok. That's certainly worth knowing! I've never heard of contact weed-wands-
are there any specific models, makes or web sites you can think of that i
could look for?
Short-reach ones are sold in garden centres for spot weed killing in
lawns; dunno about long ones. I'd probably improvise with one of those
sponge-head washing up brushed tied to a walking stick :-)
You might find it useful to look into the range of tools and aids
manufactured for special needs gardeners, and I think there's also an
advisory group with a website about gardening with various
disabilities.I remember seeing their stand at a gardening show. (Waits
for Jenny to come up with the url...)
Found several Janet :~))
HTH Jenny