Want to increase your hardness?
One teaspoon (about 6 grams) of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) per 50 liters of
water will increase KH by 4 degrees and will not increase general hardness.
Two teaspoons (about 4 grams) of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per 50 liters of
water will increase both KH and GH by 4 degrees. Different proportions of
each can be used to get the correct KH/GH balance dictated by the fish and
plants in the tank. Since it is difficult to accurately measure small
quantities of dry chemicals at home, a test kit should be used to verify the
actual KH and GH that is achieved
wrote in message
I've just setup a new aquarium (29 gl, flourite and a few plants, 55W
CF). My water tests look a little wierd: the carbonate hardness is 0,
while total hardness is 120 with pH 6.8 or 7 (I can't decide which
color fits better). So, I assume, that the only hardness I have is
1. Does non-carbonate hardness contribute to buffereing against pH
2. Is it even possible to have 0 alkalinity?
I am afraid to introduce fish until the water is fully conditioned.
I've checked the local stores for buffer increase - all chemicals
concentrate on adjusting pH, while I am quite happy wih mine: I would
like to keep tetras, danios, loaches, ottos (and/or) and live plants.
3. Can you recomend what exactly I should be looking for?
4. My chlorine measured .5 (no chloramine) Is it safe? Should I
5. All dechlorinizers that I see also try to take care of nitrates,
ammonia, etc. I would love to have a bio filter established and
control those by balance, not by cheistry. Should I use it anyway to
should I keep looking for something specific for chlorine (if it
6. If I have so much non-carbonate hardness, it is probably sulfate or
phosphate. Should I control those? I am conserned that since I have
very few plants, it is going to promote algae growth (my tap water
initially comes with nitrates 20)
Please help! Thanks in advance,