Franz Heymann wrote:
"Bob Hobden" wrote in message
"Oxymel of Squill" wrote ...
On the garden I do use some lime as I throw some Growmore about
understand that includes lime.
Lime is not declared on the packaging.
I have never heard of Growmore containing lime.
I have spent a substantial time using Google to find if Growmore
contains lime, and drew a complete blank.
Glad you did that: I raised an eyebrow when I read the original
message. Growmore is a standard NPK fertiliser, and certainly
shouldn't contain lime: it would throw one's calculations out. (Not
that I calculate!)
As an aside, I found stuff called "Organic Growmore" which appears
have similar application rates as Ordinary Growmore. I wonder
organic processes can yield such concentrated chemicals.
I suppose they make and then evaporate aqueous solutions, which seems
an expensive procedure. I imagine guano is involved. I think
naturally-occurring nitrates would be allowed under organic rules, so
Chile nitre could be used too.