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Old 10-12-2004, 10:30 PM
Franz Heymann
Posts: n/a

"Bob Hobden" wrote in message

"Oxymel of Squill" wrote ...
what do folk think about lime?

my gardening book has a section on the importance of liming,

nutrients, counteracts acidity etc; apparently it's all things


but local garden shops don't stock it, and the one that does isn't

any more once it's gone. He eyes my grey beard and says it's only

used by
old people and nobody else bothers

Yes, we use it on the allotments, good for our silt/clay soil,

helps break
it up too.
On the garden I do use some lime as I throw some Growmore about and
understand that includes lime.

Lime is not declared on the packaging.
I have never heard of Growmore containing lime.
I have spent a substantial time using Google to find if Growmore
contains lime, and drew a complete blank.
As an aside, I found stuff called "Organic Growmore" which appears to
have similar application rates as Ordinary Growmore. I wonder which
organic processes can yield such concentrated chemicals.
