Indoor palms are spider mite and mealy bug bait.
To a Google search to figure out which one you have and act accordingly.
"Willy" wrote in message
I have a palm (dont know what kind) large fan leaves 7-8' that I
brought in for the winter, I supplement the low light levels with a
150 watt dayspot grow bulb, I also keep a humidifier in my living room
due to statis and dryness in the winter, anyway, all of the sudden
there is a white almost powders but kind of small rice looking stuf on
the leaves, I decided to wipe off the leaves with water and found that
its all over the palm even in the trunk areas?
Should I get a fungicide for indoor plants and wipe off with soapy
water what I can then use the fungicide with giving it less water??
Please help, this is my only and favorite plant.