"Sacha" wrote in message
On 17/11/04 6:21 pm, in article ,
Lyle" wrote:
Why is it that otherwise almost-rational people, such as me,
the things? Is it just the way they're planted, do you think? I
suspect I could like them in certain situations, but can't
[...other contributions cut, with apols...]
Keith Alexander wrote:
I have a huge pond, a third of an acre and they look great on the
bank reflected in the water.
They are planted with Rogersias, Rheum's and the obligatory
and provide great plumes for my little boys to run about with
every plant has its place doesn't it?
(Top-posting reversed.)
I think you've got it! Not at all its native associations, but I can
visualize your design. How long have yours been in there, by the way?
Do they tend to invade, and crowd out the rheums? (I can't imagine
even they are a match for the gunneras, but it might be an
interesting fight.) I'd want to put a lot of spring bulbs there to
provide early interest. You're very lucky: my ponds were on the
northern wrong side of established broad-leafed trees.