On or about Tue, 9 Nov 2004 08:50:13 -0500, "NauticalWheeler"
wrote something like:
No matter how you protect you pond if you build it they will come. I have
our pond in our fenced in backyard. The gates are locked. You need a key
to unlock the gates.
We had just finished waterproofing the back porch and were inside eating
lunch. We heard noises and I thought it was the dog and then I worried that
it was a heron. In few minutes we saw our neighbors 3 year old walked
across the wet stained porch!
No, we I spoke to the mother yesterday she had no idea that her child was in
out yard. And that he could climb the fence! As a matter of fact she said
Ugly. I have to suggest that you send a letter to the Mother outlining
what you have done to protect the child from danger and suggesting she
do some training. If she bitches that you are just covering your ass,
then agree with her and document that conversation, too.
"No Child Left Inside"
"There's always razor wire . . "