The message
from Gwenhyffar Milgi contains these words:
My experience is the opposite - I sometimes have to give away, cook and
freeze (or preserve in oil) giant puffballs because I have so many.
Oh..... where are you???
Norfolk. They grow on the watermeadows leading down to the River
Waveney, and other places i know.
It's been years since I had giant puffball.
They used to be common in the area of The Netherlands where I lived,
but it's been 15 years since I've seen one there. I've not seen one in
North Wales where I am at the moment, don't know if they grow here.
Don't know, but you should find a lot of other good edible ones there.
I loved them thinly sliced and then fried in a bit of butter.
Try frying them in butter, and while still hot, sloshing them through
batter and then bunging them back into the pan. (or deep-frying them.)
I'm gonna go sulk now.
You'll have a long one then: they won't reappear until July or thereabouts...
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.