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Old 05-11-2004, 07:16 PM
ex WGS Hamm
Posts: n/a

"Janet Galpin" wrote in message
I think there are probably more people who *don't* eat perfectly edible
mushrooms just in case, than those who rush into eating poisonous ones.
I have quite a few mushrooms this year and have been trying to identify
them positively enough to take the plunge and eat them. I know they're
not Amanita phalloides because I've taken their spore print which is
brown rather than white. I'm now wondering, having eliminated Amanita
phalloides, how likely it is that mushrooms which look very like rather
thin versions of shop-bought mushrooms, with pale brown gills and brown
spore prints, could be anything other than edible.

In France, one can go to the local chemist with your 'shrooms and he will
tell you what they are and if they are safe to eat. Most civilised I say.