"Jim and Phyllis Hurley" wrote in message
. ..
This is a pond ng rather than a political one.
As a rule, this ng does not enter into OT discussions.
When we do, it tends to be with careful identification of an OT post and
without strident advocacy.
By all means find an appropriate political ng for your post.
I, for one, think that there is a certain validity to this discussion within
the context of the ng (in my case alt.fishing).
Now, I'm Canadian, so I won't be voting for either candidate. I have a
significant interest in the election as a gambling vehicle, but I digress.
It's important to remember, Jerry, that many of the roads that afford us
access to the nature that we enjoy so much were originally made and are
currently maintained by the forestry industry. Too often, nature lovers
misunderstand the place that logging has in the ecosystem of a forest. I
agree that the forestry industry has abused their privilege frequently, and
continue to do so. I would like to see that change as much as anyone here,
especially in regards to salmon spawning streams, but to think that the
choice you make in the voting booth on the presidential ticket will have a
lick of difference is as foolish as hoping to catch a whale in your local
trout pond.
It's not going to matter. Kerry, Bush. the same corporations will control
the forest as do now and I suspect that they will be subject to the same
checks and balances (or lack thereof) as they are now. Face it, we're
Your best bet if you care about nature and harmful practices within it is to
be a keen observer and report any violations to the proper authorities. Keep
your camera close at hand.