"RadCliffe" -DONTEMAIL wrote in message
when i had my 29Gal tank set up as a community tank, i had two of those
one was small, and the other was huge - Plus 3 Dalmation Mollies 2
Albino Tiger Barbs 4 Rainbow fish 1 Pleco and about 6 Black Mollies
Once the SAE got to a certian size it always tryed to attack the other
fish. One day i actually caught it attack and kill one of the black
mollies. So it went into a 1 Gal tank, I only feed the damned thing like
twice over a 13 Month period! then it died...But the smaller SAE is
living fine im my mothers 20Gal Community tank.
First time i see it attack and kill a fish, it becomes food for
my oscars
Posted via CichlidFish.com
I have found that keeping them in a group of 3 - 4 minimum they take their
agression out on each other with little or no harm done. Though I have never
kept them with Black Mollies.