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Old 20-10-2004, 12:42 AM
Posts: n/a

I'm not sure what you're asking.

You stated the bark was black and slimy - a sure sign of decomposition, and
a desperate need for transplanting.

Fresh bark is OK for many growers, but its decomposition can be a


Ray Barkalow - First Rays Orchids -
Plants, Supplies, Books, Artwork, and Lots of Free Info!
"Joe" wrote in message
Thanks Ray. Would the bark have made a difference in either case?

"Ray" wrote in message
In the case of the paph, as the roots were in good shape, treat it
The phals, not having a significant root system, should be kept warm, and
VERY humid to prevent desiccation while it grows enough roots to support
moisture uptake needs. You might consider putting a clear plastic bag
the plant and pot to act as a mini-greenhouse.


Ray Barkalow - First Rays Orchids -
Plants, Supplies, Books, Artwork, and Lots of Free Info!
"Joe" wrote in message
Okay, I have a Paph. Papa Rohl that bloomed for me last year at about
this time. It seems to have continued to grow, but no bloom yet.
Seeing that the bark was black and kind of nasty/slimy looking, I
repotted it into some fresh bark. The roots were firm and fuzzy, but
hadn't grown much.

I did the same thing with a Phal. This plant has been more or less
dormant for about a year. When I took it out of the pot, most of the
roots seemed dead. I cut them off and cut back the one "active" root
to about six inches. It was green and succulent. I put them both
back into the same pots they were in.

What should I do now with these plants?

Any help would be appreciated.