Sorry smokeyone, can't help you, but I have a tree with similar
problems, and are therefore interested in this topic. In addition, the
tree also seem to loose it's higher branches during latest storms
here. These branches don't seem to show signs of decay themselves.
Don't know if it would help if I make some pictures of the bark and
post them ?
Bit more info: The tree is one of 9 in our garden, it seems to be the
oldest, and other trees don't seem to have the same problem. I have
noticed that if you peel away the bark, some insects seem to be
Regards Eygobar.
(Smokeyone) wrote in message . com...
"Mike LaMana" fake@MikeatHeartwoodConsultingdotnet wrote in message ...
Can you post pics?
Mike LaMana, MS CTE
Heartwood Consulting Services, LLC
Toms River, NJ
"Smokeyone" wrote in message
Does anyone know anything about the bark appearing to peel off horse
chestnut trees. The trees aare also weeping sap. Hope someone can
advise me.
Thanks for the reply. Cannot help with pix, no digital camera (yet)
but can
give a few more details. They are mature trees, 60 or so feet tall and
the sap is weeping from what looks like tree sores on the trunk. The
bark is just falling off and you can pull some of the bark away with
your fingers.
Thanks for any advice