17-10-2004, 02:07 PM
Birds have brains.
Emrys Davies.
"Klara" wrote in message
In message , Bob Hobden
Have you got enormous flocks of starlings where you are?
It's the first time for years, that I have seen them in large
likewise sparrows seem to be making a come back.
The starlings have been having a feeding frenzy on all the berries
that were on the trees. All gone now.
Funny, but here we have both commented on the disappearance of our
small birds recently. Usually when I fill the bird feeder it's empty
within a couple of days, it's been untouched for weeks now and there
are no small birds flying about in the trees either, just silence
there was constant birdcalls. Our local Robin and Wren have gone as
have our Coal/Blue/Great/Long Tailed Tits, no sign of the
Green/Goldfinches, even the Blackbirds aren't around, weird silence.
Much the same he food - even the sunflowers, in full seed now -
virtually untouched for maybe six weeks now, after an early feeding
frenzy, and not a sparrow or starling in sight. But people have been
commenting on the unusual quantity of berries this year, could that be
the reason? And perhaps more seed too, though we don't notice it? It
seems to have been a good year for farmers, better than they had
Klara, Gatwick basin