Thread: Ground Elder
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Old 11-10-2004, 04:24 PM
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"Martin" wrote in message
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 14:28:04 +0100, "Cat"

Roundup is your friend. It sure is mine.

The world swirls...

Roundup is heady stuff :-)

It is. Seriously, it nearly sounds too good to be true, and with the vast
amounts of opprobrium constantly poured over Monsanto by the Green
fraternity, I wonder - objectively - if there is anything to be concerned
re. using Roundup?
Does it genuinely become inert (forgive me if terminology is wonky) as soon
as it hits the ground? Does it leave no residue whatsoever? What about the
dead plant material, is that in any way contaminated? Are there any other
reasons of an environmental or ethical (dare I say it?) nature why one would
have a problem using it?

The world swirls...