Thread: Ground Elder
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Old 11-10-2004, 01:50 PM
Franz Heymann
Posts: n/a

"Paul D.Smith" wrote in message
Getting rid of ground elder...

Systemic weedkiller is the best way, apparently. In a green garden,

dig and
remove every last bit - a tiny sliver will grow again! Repeat ad

and don't let it get established after each dig. Daily hoeing works

well in
a hot summer as eventually it gets weakened and dies.

Alternatively, sow a lawn and mow short for a couple of seasons.

The ground
elder doesn't seem to compete well and eventually dies.

Keep at it and you will win. But especially at the start, it's a

lot of
work. We started at one side of the garden and slowly worked our

across, keeping an eye for "survivors" behind us as we went. Our

isn't free, but it's now under control.

BTW, it will survive for quite long periods under weed suppressent!

expect to put iot down and remove a few weeks later.

It requires ar least a full growing season to be killed by a
suppressant like black polythene.
