Thread: Weedkiller
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Old 10-10-2004, 03:52 PM
alan holmes
Posts: n/a

"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message
In article ,
Alan Gould wrote:
In article , IntarsiaCo
Vinegar is not a poison.

It is if you are a weed. The active ingredient is definately a poison.
Is it an acceptable herbicide for the "organic" producer?

Vinegar is not mentioned in the guidelines for organic weed control.
If it is a poisonous herbicide as you say, then it is not acceptable,
along with all spray type chemical weed-killers.

Such as extract of macerated walnut leaves?

Are you saying I can use wanmut leaves as a weedkiller?

How do you use ir for that purpose?

I have about 5 CWT of leaves every year!

Reply to alan(dot)holmes27(at)virgin(dot)net