"Franz Heymann" wrote in message
"anton" wrote in message
"Franz Heymann" wrote in message
Propyl alcohol is particularly good for unset epoxy resins. It
is, I
think, sold by chemists as surgical spirit. I have not tried it
natural resins yet.
Surgical spirit is mainly ethanol, not propanol. The really good
safe stuff
for getting resins, (including, i should imagine, conifer resin),
off hands
is Loctite 7855 hand cleaner, but I don't know whether it's
available in
retail outlets.
We are both wrong. I have just had a look at the Penguin Dictionary
of Chemistry. According to that, sugical spirit it methyl alcohol,
further denatured by the addition of castor oil, diethyl phthalate and
methyl salicylate
I'd rather believe this: