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Old 08-10-2004, 02:53 PM
Chet Hayes
Posts: n/a

(Merle O'Broham) wrote in message . com...
For shade creeping red or chewing fescue are the usual choices. There
are shade blends that have several varieties mixed together. I've had
good success in shade with Jonathon Green Dense Shade. For really
dense shade, their Shady Nook has worked for me. Of course, I'm here
in NJ, but I think those would likely work in Chicago too. Check out, they have lots of good choices too.

One thing I'm curious about. You say you have 4 types of grass
growing now. That isn't unusual, most lawns have several types of
grass. One benefit is that if one gets attacked by a particular
disease or insect, the others may not, so it's far less noticeable and
quickly recovers. Is there a particular problem with the 4 types of
grass that you are having?

Just aesthetics. Most lawns in the city are very small (33' wide, and
maybe a 10' wide parkway and some more in the back), but I live on a
long rounded corner with maybe 150' of street curb. The grass in the
shade seems to do quite well, but the grass in the sun burns out in
July/August. The city just re-did the curb and now there's a 4' wide
strip of plush thick new lawn bordering the street. It's not a major
problem, I'd just prefer one type of grass (or at least one for sun,
one for shade). The different patches of grass seem to be in random

As for this year, if I were you, since it's too late to seed now, I'd
do other simple things that will help a lot. You could rent a core
aerator, which is beneficial. Also, get the PH tested and adjust if
needed. Fertilize now if you haven't already. If you fertilized in
sept, then early nov give it one more application. IF weeds are a big
problem, it's not too late to do some spot weed control or use a weed
n feed product. Doing this now will make a big difference it getting
it going next spring.

I aerated this past spring- probably the first time it's ever been
done to this lawn. I'll do it again soon. I put down Scott's
winterizer and with your suggestion I'll do that again soon as well.
Weeds I hand pull in the spring. They're not much of a problem. I hit
the lawn a couple of times with weedBgone mid-summer to control the
creeping charlie and clover.

Thanks so much for your input. I figure as long as the next year is a
little better than the year before, I'm doing OK!

Sounds like you're doing everything right.

Are those areas watered in summer? In high temps, grass needs water
ever 3-5 days or so, or it will go dormant. If it's not watered, I'd
do some research and find a seed or mix that has high drought
tolerance. I think Loft's makes a summer stress mix. That will
probably at least keep it green longer than what you have and also
have a better chance of surviving in that area.