bushes affecting television reception
Old Tom Jefferson came round to moan about his TV reception. Apparently his
Freeview was really bad --unwatchable in fact. When I called at his bungalow I
saw that an untidy clump of elderberries and hawthornes had grown in front of
his aerial. On hearing this he said "I'll cut the buggers down!"
"And what will you put there instead?" asked Mrs J.
"Oh, I dunno, maybe I'll tidy the whole place up and have a flower bed. I could
plant violets (and other plants of the genus Viola maybe) of all different
colours. It would be really nice."
"And who's going to do all the hard work looking after a flower bed every
year?" asked his wife.
"Well I suppose I'll have to it," said Mr Jefferson. "After all, the price of
Freeview is eternal violets."
PS If you don't find this amusing don't worry.