Thread: Weedkiller
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:56 PM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a

The message
from Gary Davis contains these words:

Would it be ok if I was to quote what you just said?
"It (Glyphosate) is used on millions of acres of agricultural land all
over the world"...
That must mean then, that lots of weed killer is being put into streams
all over the world....into lakes and ultimately the oceans...

Not so. It forms strong triangular bonds with soil particles and is
locked in that location.

What proof do you have that it is not? What proof do you have that it
will do no harm to anyone who eats the vegetables grown after it's use? You
defend it's use like you are a shareholder (of the manufacturer).

Well, I recognise an enemy of Monsanto when I see one, and, I see one. I
have no love of their methods, but I do have the utmost confidence in
Roundup®. And yes, I have used it a lot when I had a smallholding.

What evidence do *YOU* have that glyphosate harms not only the target
vegetation, but the wider environment?

Twiggy made some good points, why did you snip them?
Someone suggested digging it in...a good organic idea-nothing wrong with
exercise, especially when it means one less pint of chemical put into the

You can dig it in when you've killed it with the weedkiller and get the
best of both worlds.

Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.