"Neil Jones" wrote in reply to..
"Colin Deverill" wrote
Can you please tell me when is the time to take cuttings?
The particular type is "Pelargonium"
I find that pelargoniums take root so easily that you can take cuttings
whenever you like.
Whilst August is the best month for taking cuttings of Pelagoniums for
overwintering Neil's comment is true provided you can provide the plants
with heat and light during the winter months and take a great deal of care
over watering.
Cut off a good strong growth, take off all large leaves and any flowers and
cut just below a node pulling off any loose tissue that may be under the
compost. Push into a well drained compost, a multipurpose with added
drainage (sharp sand) will do, water well and then do not water until you
see the compost totally dry and the plant wilting (possibly a couple of
months). Any showing signs of rot should be destroyed ASAP.
By then the plants should be rooted well and you can water very sparingly
until the weather gets warmer next year.
During the winter keep the plants clean and clear any dead leaves etc from
the top of the compost. Watch for White Fly and other pests and deal with
them ASAP.
By the way, Geraniums are actually mostly hardy plants for the garden and
whilst most Garden Centres still insist on calling Pels Geraniums they
haven't been included in that family for decades. I've seen the retailers
change other plants names immediately the botanists have done their work
(Datura to Brugmansia) but for some reason they seem unwilling to do so with
In Runnymede, 17 miles West of London