Cuttings - Advice for a novice!
Just a question on cuttings really. I've been going mad with my cuttings recently, taking cuttings of the following:
I'm not even sure that they'll all take or indeed whether it is the right time of year for some of them but trial and error I guess. I have used the ordinary compost from B&Q, rooting hormone and left just the upper leaves, or if they were sizeable, snipped them in 2 to prevent moisture loss. The cuttings themselves are not in direct sunlight. I am a bit concerned about how cool the mornings are at the moment, I don't have a cold frame, should I move the cuttings inside do you think???
I have heard about a fungicidal spray - should I be using this on all the cuttings as well?
Would mixing loam in the compost aid drainage, indeed is this an issue?? I'm sure I've read somewhere that cuttings need a free draining medium??
Many thanks for your advice