On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 20:06:24 +0100, "M" _&_.com wrote:
I noticed a horrible "thing" in the garden today and wondered if someone
could identify it from the following description.
This "thing" was moving on top of the soil, was about 3.5 inches long and
the thickness of a mans little finger. Brown and black in colour and moved
like a caterpillar but looks like a cross between a slug and a
caterpillar.Thought I saw several feet but this could be my imagination
working overtime.!
You are not alone in not recognising it, as someone asked a question
about it on GQT this afternoon.
I am still wondering how anyone could confuse a caterpillar with a
slug. One has 6 legs plus suckers, the other has no legs at all.
As previoulsly advised, exercise caution when next you see something
Pam in Bristol