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Old 07-09-2004, 11:38 PM
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On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 22:03:40 GMT, Anonymous wrote:

Neither me or the hundred homes on my block have irrigation systems
and fescue is all over S.C.

DJ wrote:
Hi Diane
It sure does get extremely hot here.It was low 90's today. It just seems
like I no sooner get one area looking better than another area dies. I
highly believe in mulching. Never did like a regular mower. I'm not sure
what zoysia is. I had gone to the neighborhood seed and feed store and they
only had 2 types. Bermuda and Centipede. I about fell on the floor when he
told me that the Centipede was $32.00 a lb. I jokingly told him that I
didn't want to go out and have to get a loan just to have a pretty yard.
Must be some good stuff, I guess. I
I see alot of St. Augustine grass. Our yard has lots of all kinds of
grass/weeds. My husband said that if I wanted a pretty yard, that I would
have to do the work. He's happy if the yard is just mowed. He said do what I
wanted with the yard as long as it's free. I even dug all along our drive to
help the drainage whenever we get downpours, and used the grass from that
area to patch the yard. I had 3 + wheelbarrows full. Lots of work but worth
it when it starts filling in. I even dug out areas and placed stepping
stones to help with excessive wear.
Any ideas? Thanks for your reply.

"Diane James" wrote in message

I dunno. It gets kinda hot in southern Louisiana, doesn't it? And
humid, too? That's a lot for ryegrass or fescue to handle, what with
brown patch, gray leaf spot and all that stuff that just loves heat and
humidity. I would think that there would be an awful lot of
bermudagrass in your area, and maybe some zoysia. What do the other
people in the neighborhood have?

DJ wrote:

I've used the rye grass. It doesn't last long at all. How is the


for durability? That's the kind my daughter in SC told me to get. I'll


going this weekend to buy the seed.
Thanks, Donna

"Eurocat" wrote in message

DJ wrote:

Could you remind me when would be the best time to sow seed in


Louisiana? Would it be in September (now) as in other areas of the



What kind of seed are you sowing? Ryegrass or fescue is good now.
Seeded types of bermudagrass do better in May or June.