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Old 06-09-2004, 11:35 PM
Rodger Whitlock
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 14:33:58 +0100, Cat wrote:

I recently bought a composter (fancy name for four sides and a lid, all made
of hard wearing plastic) and saw on the instructions that weeds could be
composted in it...
I always thought this was a big nono, but then thought that young weeds,
before they set seed, might be ok, as the heat within the composter should
theoretically kill them, and reduce them into the same organic mush as the

That most of the guff about compost heat killing weed seeds is
just that: guff. Very few of us compost in the technical manner
that actually heats up the pile sufficiently.

It's the usual clash between closed-eye polly-annaism and dirty
reality, somewhat like the transportation specialists who think
getting everyone to walk or bicycle to work (an imaginary state
of affairs) is an acceptable substitute for proper transportation

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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