On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:46:42 +0000 (UTC), "Alan Welsh" wrote:
I'll confess I don't fully understand the *actual*
benefit as I know Franz is *still* waiting for an
explanation (:-) but as far as I can tell it is
related to the osmosis of chalk in some way.....
A patch of moss growing in your lawn is an indicator
of one or more of the following:
~ your lawn needs fertilization.
~ the area has poor drainage.
~ the soil is too acidic to support turf grasses.
But..........read on..........
Before you get out the fertilizer and soil amendments,
consider starting a moss garden.
Moss gardens are fairly easy to grow,
unusual to look at and have become
increasingly popular in recent years.
I know most people will think us mad but we love moss. Habe you ever sat down beside some when it is
verdant and 'fruiting'? It is so amazing. We are not stupid about it but if it is not causing
problems we leave it alone. The Japanese go to great lengths to propagate it for their gardens.