"Franz Heymann" wrote in message ...
"Weedeater" wrote in
message ...
Did anyone see Monty Don use a flame gun on TV recently (maybe at
Does anyone know what sort it was or where I can get it ?
Don't waste your money on a flame gun. It just burns off the top
growth, and most weeds come to life again within a week or two.
I emphatically endorse this advice. I've tried only one (wish I could
remember the brand-name: sorry), but it inflamed nothing as much as my
Just to see what would happen, I also once -- under controlled
conditions, and while the children were at school -- used a
watering-can to cover a smallish area with petrol and chucked a
burning oily rag in from upwind. That didn't hurt the weeds much,
either! (Please don't think about proving me wrong on this: it was a
very silly thing to do.)
There aren't really any ways round weeding. In some situations
herbicides will help, but usually the best thing is just to get in
there and use sweat-power and patience. Dogged does it; and remember,
gardeners are excused Church Parade because they've already spent most
of the previous week on their knees.