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Old 02-09-2004, 08:13 PM
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On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 07:00:02 GMT, Pam Moore

Many years ago, around 1957, I went on holiday to Lugano.
Up in the hills ubder oine trees were a mass of cyclamen in flower,
which were beautifully scented. It was about the time which some of
you of my era may remember when a new soap was introduced called
Fabulous Pink Camay with perfume that "cost 5 guineas an ounce." amay
smells differently now!
Ever since I have tried to find a similarly scented cyclamen. I have

I take it we are talking hardy Cyclamen? In which case the others have
pretty well covered it. The scent is fairly subtle so you really do
need sheets of them and probably higher temps and light than they
will your garden.
otoh if you want pot grown indoor Cyclamen then there are several of
the commercial F1 hybrid series that are scented, for example Laser,
Midori, Miracle. Again they are better en mass and in decent light.
The ones we take to the big house are usually placed away from windows
and we don't get the full scent. In our own house we put them in
windows and get the smell as soon as we enter the room. In the
greenhouse with dozens in flower the scent is wonderful.



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