Compost bin
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02-09-2004, 12:05 AM
Victoria Clare
Posts: n/a
(Nick Maclaren) wrote in news:ch57m9$jf8$1
They are probably true flies, called by gardeners compost flies,
but could be any number of species. Ignore them. They tickle,
stick to paint, and otherwise make minor nuisances of themselves,
but so what?
If they are annoying you, I find spreading newspaper (just one sheet thick)
on top of the compost seems to reduce the population, and the newspaper
breaks dowm quite quickly and joins the compost quickly.
(Don't put too many sheets on at a time though, or it forms a lump and
takes ages to compost. Layers interspersed with other stuff is the way to
gardening on a north-facing hill
in South-East Cornwall
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