"Victoria Clare" wrote in message
. 201.150...
"Tracey" wrote in news:2pjfmsFloj71U1@uni-
He is going to use the Chamber of Commerce and
a local business club.
Chambers of commerce vary, but I've found them fairly universally useless,
and membership can be surprisingly expensive. For that kind of business,
I'd be inclined to spend the money on Yellow Pages instead.
It's probably not worth paying for a professional website, but I think it
is worth spending an evening assembling a simple one and hosting it free
with your ISP, if you have the skills to do that.
If you don't, try http://www.blogger.com/start,where you can build a free
site by basically filling in some forms.
Either way, remember to state clearly what the business does (gardening,
garden maintenance, lawn mowing...) , where it is based, and try to
the names of local towns and villages too, so search engines can find you.
It won't make your fortune, but you should get the odd enquiry that way,
and people who have mislaid the card or leaflet will still be able to get
hold of him.
Clare Associates Ltd
I thought about doing a website for him - I took a website design course
last year and have built my own, so it wouldn't be a problem for me to do.
Thanks for your input!