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Old 30-08-2004, 06:08 PM
Posts: n/a

In article , Joanne
Yes, go to the government's DEFRA website for info:

I've crawled through that site before, and it basically concerns trade
rather than import of wild seeds for ones own use. I've phoned DEFRA,
and they were distinctly vague, referring me only to the CITES info,
which again is trade.

Twenty years ago, you could get a licence which allowed import of a
small amount of plant material for you own use, provided it was not any
of a number of endangered species or plants material rather than seed of
something that was likely to carry particular diseases. But I don't know
if that system is still in place, and haven't managed to find out any

"Paul Anderson" wrote in message
Anyone know what restrictions there are with regard to importing seeds

into the UK?

"Do not insult the crocodile until you have crossed the river"