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28-08-2004, 05:58 AM
S. M. Henning
Posts: n/a
"Vox Humana" wrote:
You can also page-down by hitting the space bar.
depending on what Newsreader program you are using and what type of
computer you have. I have a Mac with MT_NewsWatcher on it and that
works for me.
(paghat) wrote:
People who top-post, I tend to stop reading their posts after a while,
because I don't want to have to scroll down then back up again, just to
find out what the hell they think they're responding to. Their method
doubles the amount of time it takes to read the post in context, while
failing to double the value of the time spent reading.
I second that. That is 100% true.
And trim, trim, trim!!!
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