Greenhouse for Sale!!
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20-08-2004, 09:09 AM
Posts: n/a
On 20/8/04 0:36, in article
, "Anne Jackson"
The message
from Sacha contains these words:
Yours must be gold plated. My chiropractor, who is also a physio, charges
£22 per treatment. I hope he doesn't read this group! ;-)
I wish mine did! He charges £37 per half-hour session!
I agree that ours is very reasonable - whether this is a reflection on the
west country prices or not, I don't know. Mostly - but not exclusively -
the treatment I receive is a sort of deep massage from pads placed on my
spine. These are hooked up to some magic machine. It feels as if almost
nothing is happening at the time but it's extremely effective and usually
leaves me feeling exhausted!
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)
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