On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 22:57:12 +0100, Sacha
I'm the least likely member of this group to discuss food growing but has
anyone else noticed that tomatoes are watery and flavourless this year? Our
are grown in large pots in a mix of soil and compost, in a large glass
house. Each year, until this one, they have tasted sublime. This year they
ripened late, cropped poorly and taste of nothing much at all. ;-(
Not here!
I've got about seven different varieties on the go - thanks in part to
a client who gave me some unusual plants obtained through the Henry
Doubleday association.
The stalwart Gardener's Delight is in full crop, and tasting fine -
but I've an orange/yellow cherry variety ( the name escapes me )
that's heaving with beautifully tangy fruits.
The hanging basket mentioned in an earlier post is cropping well too -
with golfball sized fruits that are firm and refreshing with a
well-defined flavour.
More by luck than judgement I suspect, but then I'm on a
south-westerly facing slope and reasonably well protected from the
worst of the weather... and I think we've had more sun than most thus
Stephen Howard - Woodwind repairs & period restorations
Emails to: showard{who is at}shwoodwind{dot}co{dot}uk