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Old 19-08-2004, 08:20 PM
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"Malcolm" wrote in message

In article , Neil Jones
On the subject of "Cabbage" white butterflies I thought I'd clarify


I find it odd that someone hasn't contradicted Malcolm since he listed

Green Veined White as a cabbage feeder.


Green-veined whites are the first "white" to appear in my garden and are
commoner there, close to habitation and cabbages (!), in the early part
of the summer than either of the other two ever become, though I
acknowledge that might not be the case widely. And they have just
reappeared and I've currently got all three species in about similar

And it is still definitely lumped with the other two as a "cabbage

That's right - I took it you were referring to the three species as those
likely to be described as 'cabbage whites' (which, in my experience, is
true, they often are), not claiming that description as accurate or merited.
Only pieris brassicae is a 'true' cabbage white, surely?