Theres no reason why you cant move these trees in the autumn
The Victorians moved fruit trees all the time to get best fruiting
We have moved fruit trees without loss too
Dig out a largish area around the tree and severe roots as you go
When the root ball is free wrap in a dustbin liner and sacking and keep just
moist in frost free area
Replant in large holes with lots of compost ASAP
Yes should be no problem, I moved a 10 year old Bramley last winter.
Yes I dug it out trying for a large rootball, after severing the large
The problem I then found was that all the soil dropped away as it was
moved, as there was very few fiberous roots to create a rootball, only
3 or 4 large roots.
Always give the roots a good soaking when planting and do not allow
them to dry out if you are storing the tree for a bit.
This year it does not look very pleased with itself, but its got green