At the risk of looking like a spammer I suggest looking over at . I've been wanting to buy stuff from them for
quite some time (and recently got a little solar light that, so far, I'm
fairly pleased with).
They have links to Solar Pond Pumps on the right of the screen.
(Dang... Wish I could get a discount for free advertising on the 'net
like this... ;{) )
On 8/14/2004 1:28 AM Kymberly Fergusson let loose a lemur across the
keyboard and it typed:
Hi all,
(am delurking for a bit ;)
I have recently moved into a new house which has a very large pond (with a
stepped rock face on the north side). There is an existing pump in the
pond, but it is not connected to power (or so the landlord assures us).
We don't really want to get the electrician in to install another pump/fix
this one as it's only a rental property, and so were wondering if a solar
option exists?
Thanks heaps,
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* Can't see the Forest | Bryan B. *
* Through the Trees? | "Ho, Ho, Ho!" Santa *
* Take it out! | accused as he went *
* (Damn Viruses!) | through his list. *
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