Dog friendly plant that will tolerate shade and damp conditions ?
"Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan Rat" wrote in message
"Jimbo" (remove $ ) wrote in message
Wetland Ferns ??
Can you buy 'em ? I'll consider anything !
To follow up my own post -- I went for mints in the end as they are dog safe
and apparently like shady moist soils (news to me - not done mints before).
Curly Spearmint and a Chocolate Mint (more in colour than to imply it smells
like After Eights I think ;-) ) The soil in there was clay-y - so I found
when digging the holes - but so far both plants are thriving and the choccy
mint is already starting to spread out alittle. And the dogs like to give
them only a passing nibble (which makes their breath smell nice anyway).
Thanks for the ideas anyway folks.