"Jeff Wisnia" wrote in message
Steveo wrote:
Jeff Wisnia wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Jeff Wisnia wrote:
Over the past two or three years some patches of fast growing "grassy
weeds" have shown up here and there on my lawns. After mowing, this
stuff seems to grow two or three times as fast as the turf grasses,
sticks up noticable in a couple of days.
Photos at:
I'm hoping there's a selective herbicide to let me rid my lawns of
stuff, which seems to be popping up in more places each year.
Thanks guys,
It's nutsedge, I didn't catch where you live.
I meant to mention that, and forgot. I't Red Sox country (A Boston
Thanks, I checked out butsedge and that's sure a match.
Dood, be careful with 'butsedge' it's a back biter! ;p
Dern wide fingers of mine! (Or maybe the "b" key is too close to the "n")
There are control products for it but they can damage your
turf if you mis-use them.
It will die back on its own real soon in bean town.
I think that's a wise suggestion, only it keeps getting worse each year.
Thanx again,
Jeff Wisnia (W1BSV + Brass Rat '57 EE)
"As long as there are exams in public schools there will be prayer in
public schools."
I've read that a product called "manage" is good for nutsedge.