On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 22:10:43 +0100, Lazarus Cooke
In article , David W.E. Roberts
Control is by destroying wasps nests.
I've been following a discussion about this on a beekeeping network (I
have a hive at the end of my Brixton garden. Wasps predate on bees).
Indeed they do.
I had a small colony of bees above my back door. These were a third
smaller than honey bees - and I was quite content to leave them
be...and then a few days later I spotted wasps coming out of the hive
entrance. No more bees.
I dosed them up with Nippon, and barely an hour later everything was
Stephen Howard - Woodwind repairs & period restorations
Emails to: showard{who is at}shwoodwind{dot}co{dot}uk