WAsps, wasps and more wasps
Following up to atwifa
just a general point (and likely a contentious one at that): but i've never
come across a good reason for destroying wasps' nests.
Have you ever tried to have a barbecue in late summer? Or this
year, now.
and you need to be somewhat witless to come to any harm around them.
A child with a coke with a wasp in it?
i also find it hardly credible that they have taken *all* your apples ...
unless the tree is very small, that is. if you really want to defend your
crops, then any number of physical (and chemical) deterrents are readily
they have taken virtually all my raspberries. What control method
would you recommend?
Mike Reid
If god wanted us to be vegetarians he wouldn't have made animals out of meat.
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