Thread: Mushy Peaches
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Old 03-08-2004, 01:25 AM
do not spam
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Default Mushy Peaches

TQ wrote:

"do not spam" "do not wrote in message
| I have two peach trees in my backyard here in Las Vegas, NV. One of them
| had its fruit ripen earlier than the other and had no fruit quality
| problems. My second and bigger peach tree is now getting ripe fruit.
| This fruit is bigger. However, about 60 percent of the fruit is rotten.
| I estimate about 60 percent of the fruit is affected. There are
| various sized external "rot holes or just surface indications of it
| being rotten. The fruit is soft and very mushy inside and is an off
| color inside. Any ideas as to what is causing this?
| Jerry
| Here is a link to pictures of some bad peaches of this tree:

Is the damage on the same side of every fruit? If so, does this side face
south? The damage could be sun scald.

Could also be anthracnose...

..or brown rot...


The second link describes my problem tree well and believe that is what
is happening with my tree.. I doubt it is sun burn as it is happening
to peaches well shaded all day. Thanks for the links - I'll take it the
precautions the link suggested.

Jerry J