WAsps, wasps and more wasps
On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 21:16:47 +0100, "David W.E. Roberts"
Control is by destroying wasps nests.
Next door has had one done, and I have just had a go at the second because
the entrance was accesible from our side.
With all due deference to those who point out that wasps are a generally
good thing on balance, if they get to be a nuisance or a pest which destroys
fruit&veg then war must sometimes be declared.
With extreme reluctance, I had to call in Pest Control to deal with 2
nests that were too close to our car-parking area. Most years, wasps
become troublesome and dangerous in late summer. Not so this year,
they started dive-bombing and threatening last week. Personally, I
suffer pain only from wasp stings, but any of my students may suffer
far worse and the thought of one going into anaphylaxic shock as a
result of a sting is far too serious to consider.
Dave Poole
Torquay, Coastal South Devon UK
Winter min -2°C. Summer max 34°C.
Growing season: March - November