Help...renovating shade area
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30-07-2004, 12:58 PM
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Help...renovating shade area
(Chet Hayes) wrote:
Steveo wrote in message
"Heidi the Horrible" wrote:
How many sg ft are you talking about in the shade area's, Heidi?
About 1000 to 1500 I would guess.
That's about the same size shade area I battle with here in Ohio. I
brought in decent topsoil, added some organics and seed it twice
a year with a rye/fine fescue blend. I use 10-18-10 fertilizer there
and -never- put pre-emergent down.
You mentioned you have a free water source, I water my shade area
at least 1 to 2 inches per week.
It's a never ending battle, and pruning your tree as you suggested
would help.
If all else fails, consider replacing the turf with shade tolerant
ground covers.
Tall fescue is not suited to shade areas.
No kidding..that's why I said fine fescue.
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