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Old 29-07-2004, 10:30 PM
Jim S
Posts: n/a
Default Can I trim a beech hedge with a petrol hedge cutter?

There are no problems at all in using a petrol/electric hedgecutter.
Especially if its a long hedge

"nambucca" wrote in message

"smileygonzo1961" wrote in message
hi guys,

ou new garden has a beech hedge and I wondered whether I could cut it

hedge cutter or do I need to prune it by hand using shears? are there

benefits/disadvantes cutter vs. shears?

I don't want to try the cutter if it will damage the hedge.......

any ideas anyone.

many thanx,

IMHO its better to use secateurs on a beech hedge but plenty of people

use shears or hedge trimmers