I have a cunning plan which cannot fail.....
David W.E. Roberts wrote:
bored with waiting for all my outdoor tomatoes to ripen.
I know just what willl happen - nothing, then thousands ripen overnight.
So I have placed a plasic bag over a truss (please reassure me you didn't
get the same mental picture which just flashed through my mind) with a
single ripe (but split) commercially raised cherry tomato in the bottom.
In theory the ripe tomato should give off waves of ripening essence and
encourage the ones on the plant to ripen.
I am also considering another test using a banana skin, as bananas are
suposed to be kings of the ripening.
As a control, I suppose I should also just put a plastic bag over a truss,
in case the mini-greenhouse effect is what speeds ripening (if it does).
Anyone else tried this kind of thing (and still at liberty)?
Dave R
I've never tried bagging my trusses I'm afraid. I did eat my first two
outdoor tomatoes last night though. The others look as if they will all be
ripe next tuesday at 3 o'clock.
I'd b slightly concerned about the humidity in the bag. Might it make the
fruit rot? And it might play havoc with your truss.
In the beginning was the word.
But by the time the second word was added to it,
there was trouble.
For with it came syntax ...
-- John Simon