Can ants cause structural damage?
In message , Nick Maclaren
| I think we're on the way to same. For many years we've had a few around
| one of the windows, but this year the population seems to have exploded
| - millions of flying ants coming out of the walls for a whole week! I
| think the whole cavity, filled with rockwool, must be one enormous ants'
| nest....
It's very likely. Such cavities are ideal nesting places, for bees as
well as ants, but the consequences are rarely more than a minor
nuisance. And, just think, the ants are doing some of your cleaning
for free :-)
Thanks, Nick, that sounds reassuring - I think? Do you really think it's
ok to just leave them? We would much rather ... but we are going to have
to sell up when we retire. What effect will it have on resale value?
Klara, Gatwick basin